i have been waiting to long for spank rock to put out a new album, there was a time in the not to distant past when i stole capital vagrants yoyoyoyoyoyo cd for playing in my car a few summers ago, during PCP's some would say prime. when the back of my truck would have enough empties to be able to buy a 24 for later consumption. when death blow was played even if it wasn't raining, and lunch was considered banana splits and tall cans in a parking lot. when one trip a day to the lcbo wasn't enough. well this cd was the soundtrack to that time. and it makes me a little nostalgic every time i hear it.
i wish could remember more of the quotes, but ' this is how i do work' tops them.
Spank Rock - Backyard Betty
Spank Rock - What It Look Like
Spank Rock - IMC
Spank Rock - Rick Rubin
Spank Rock - Bump
Spank Rock - Put That Pussy On Me (Diplo Tonite Remix)
Spank Rock - Lindsay Lohan's Revenge
Spank Rock - Race Riot on the Dancefloor
and i know about bangers and cash, its just not the same
shake it till my dick turns racist
pcp's "prime" was clearly in the early spring of '06 when phil's spirit was crushed completely. the "salad" incident, also his cup-throwing hissy fit that ended in tears and laughter for everyone else.
dont break it, dont break it, dont break it, dont break it, dont break it, no nononooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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