If you saw two guys named Hambone and Flippy, which one would you think dolphins liked most? I'd say Flippy, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong though. It's Hambone. .
What is with all of the babies on Queen st. these days? No, Im not talking about the 45 year old men who clad themselves in the latest scenester fashion, trying to hide their crows feet behind electric pink, plastic sunglasses (well, them too) but I mean real BABIES. Everyone is carrying one around like some sort of screaming, crying Balenciaga tote. I was browsing in a store the other day and got literally caught in between two gigantic strollers. I had to wait for like twelve minutes before these two idiot 24 year old still-hip-for-the-most-part moms got off their blackberries and noticed my frightened face. Then they gave me a look like "whats your problem" and Im like, uh, your problem is that you dont realize that your fashion accessory is probably going to want to go to college. ugh, babies.
Blooooooddddddy hell...