Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sometimes I'm doing a drum solo and I haven't eaten for like 3 fucking weeks...I eat a Snickers
This drum solo is awesome. If I could be a rockstar from the past I wouldn't mind being Keith Moon. Blowing up hotel room toilets with dynamite sounds like it might be a bit of a kick. Dying at 32? Not so much. Keith's response to a question at the end of the video is priceless.
This one below I know is supposed to be funny but it almost isn't. I don't know what it is supposed to be.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wassup with you!
Wow. What kind of an awesome wet dream must have this been for Michael Jackson. Becoming bff's with Eddie Murphy, deep lyrics, hearts with angel wings drifting gracefully, motherfucking schoolchildren running around! I can't believe I hadn't seen this until recently. Totally kicks the shit out of Party all the Time.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Pass my 1-iron old sport
If you're like me and golf is more tolerable if you've had a six pack by the turn, this product could be for you...or if you're incontinent. At most top courses, inserting your penis into a fake golf club, urinating, and then transporting the urine in a glorified piss jug is always preferred to seeking "embarrassing" relief in the bushes.
Wild Things
there is finally a trailer up for Where the wild things are at apple trailers. I have been waiting for a while for this one Click here to see it.
My sister might have vestibulitis, what should she do?

I have a bit of a man crush going on with Boy Crisis, I have been creeping out there myspace the past couple of days, there songs are all a little different which I am feeling but there all pop genius, I can't believe I am not hearing there songs on Gossip Girl or the The City (one can only hope).
Boy Crisis - Dressed to Digress (alt link)
Boy Crisis - Ganglion of Lightnings (alt link)
and Voxtrot is finally putting out some new stuff, or I have been living in a cave for a bit. They were my go to music for a while. There album Mothers, Sisters, Daughters & Wives is definitely worth a buy.
Voxtrot - Trepanation Party (alt link)
and to cap it off if you have any sexy questions needing answering or just want a good laugh at the naivety of people click HERE

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Passed out Wookies

Go to this website and click on the gallery called "Wookie Hall of Fame." PCP's employee of the month July 2007 is in there!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
What have they done?
Look its the the future! People in Japan keep finding new ways to terrify the rest of the world. First its stomach wretching porn and now creepy, vacant looking "humanoids" that will probably make us obsolete or kill us all one day. Yesterday I read about this thing, so I went and found the video and it was some of the comments that amazed me the most. For example:
-"Go Go Gadget Gonads"
-"The designer shoud give her multiple vaginas..I'm just saying"
-"When will we be able to have sex with them?"
-"Walks like its got a butt plug in..maybe thats where it recharges?"
Uggh, assholes. Thanks for making my afternoon a continuous dry heave. All I know is that I really don't want to live in a world that is a Japanese porn version of I Robot.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Put a DONK on it?

I have a feeling Bran from GOSH DAMN! will be feeling this, running close to 150bpm I think. The Blackout Crew put a donk on a club standard, and once you get over the high bpm, its pretty good.
Metronomy - A Thing For Me (Blackout Crew Remix) (alt link)
This one is a little bit easier to swallow. It doesn't just go all over your chest.
Metronomy - Radio Ladio (Radioclit Swedish Remix) (alt link)

it feels like a cooking sherry night...

I can't find an Irish shanties I thought I had on my computer so I am going to have listen sound of my own green vomit trickling out of mouth at 2 in the afternoon on repeat.
This band plays a similar style to a band I posted back a couple months now 'WAVVES' they have a similar DIY noise fuzz punk style to them, I am really feeling.
Pets With Pets - We Only Found This Place (alt link)
Pets With Pets - The Girl Up And Down (alt link)
Wavves - So Bored (alt link)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
not for me and you

I have got some more new Royksopp here for you. The album is sounding pretty good, you can head over to there myspace and give most of it a listen.
Royksopp - You Dont Have A Clue (alt Link)
Getting over it
I know the video quality is crap but it's probably the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Mixin Juice with some Gin,

I finally got apps for my iphone, I have had it for a while waiting for them to get good, and I have to say, I feel let down. I got a sweet app that makes my phone screen look like it has the chicken pox and all I had to do was cover it in beer.
This song has all the right amounts of good, I usually steer clear of (VS) songs as I assume they blow. This is one I can aptly describe as a party track.
Deadmau5 vs Donnis - Ghosts N Stuff (Dirty Disco Youth Remix) Vs Party Works (Medley Blend) (alt link)
Gomorrah is based on a book of the same name by Robert Saviano about the mafia of Naples. I first read about this guy in an interview that Vice did with him a while back. I don't know why I am so interested in depressing films, books and tv shows but to me this film looks an interesting departure from American gangster movies and tv. It opens today in Toronto. Exactly where it is playing? I do not know.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Badder than ever

This is a picture of Terrell Owens when he made the unwise, yet totally awesome decision to celebrate a touchdown on the Dallas Cowboys star in the middle of the field. T.O. could easily be said to be one of the most arrogant failures on the planet along with the likes of Donald Trump and Paris Hilton, but at least he is fucking funny. I was browsing through my itunes yesterday because what the fuck else do I have to do, when I came upon an mp3 labelled "TO_cowboys_rap." I had forgotten about this song he made a few years ago because listening to it, on a musical level, it is like having someone strap on a razor tipped dildo and fuck you in the ears. Arguably it is worse than K-Fed's stillborn "rap." But as far as pure comedy is concerned, it's fucking great.
Terrell Owens-I'm Back
also a couple of old ones I was glad to revisit
Joe Walsh-I Like Big Tits
The Juan McLean-Give me Every Little Thing
One little thing I gotta put out there. Canadians love to run around whining about how nobody takes them seriously. Here's a hint: stop over-reacting when a Canadian does anything on the international level. For example, "news" from the Star today, "Over-rated Shitbag Golfer Tees it up with Tiger." Replace "over-rated shitbag golfer" with "Mike Weir" and you've got yourself an embarrassing piece of journalism.
I miss Electric Circus. Also, Corey Feldman is awesome.
Hi. I'm a recovering crack head. This is my retarded sister that I take care of. I'd like some welfare, please.

here are three new ones of some much anticipated albums coming out very soon, all very high recommended
Röyksopp - The Girl And The Robot alt
Phoenix - Lisztomania alt
Shout Out Out Out Out - Run alt
i am trying out you send it right now, and i am already at 51% of my bandwidth. if these go down in less than a week or so. i ll reup them on media fire if you let me know in the comments .
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Upload sucessful

This is quite possibly one of the best songs I have heard in a very long time. Its been a long while since caught my attention like this song. Highest Recommendation. Also its in 320kb.
Zombie Nation - Mas De Todo
Monday, March 9, 2009
I could tell my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio.
Someone show me a better and more compelling music video than this one. Seriously, I don't know if I'm actually insane or have just become desensitized to all the crazy horseshit I see on youtube everyday. I mean if I went back in time to the Victorian era and grabbed some guy off the street and took him to 2009, he would not take this youtube nonsense sitting down. I imagine that he would begin having an epileptic fit almost immediately.
The Pogues-Body of an American
The Lemonheads-Big Gay Heart
Friday, March 6, 2009
Pogo-sticking is the new
Failed Pogo Stick Compilation
These guys don't have parents, right? Please someone tell me that they are hatched asexually in the gutter like ticket scalpers, auto mechanics and litigation lawyers. They have to be.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I've argued in front of every judge in this state. Often as a lawyer

I got this picture from a great blog called 'Eye on Springfield' that has lots of excellent screenshots from the Simpsons that are good for killing time. People who have read our blog for a little while can accurately conclude that my interests are very limited.
I've always found mf doom to be a weirdo, taking himself a litte too seriously with his strange gimmicks and that mask and all. But now, to crank it up a notch he is apparently insisting on being called only 'DOOM,' always in caps. What is Puff Daddy called these days? Here is a song off the new DOOM (ugh) album that is pretty good despite its off-putting title.
I always hated the original Star Wars so I didn't bother seeing the prequels. I heard they fucking sucked so bad that r2d2 steals the show. This video translates his beeping and chortling.
Don't know why its off centre, double-click and watch in youtube window, its worthwhile.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
WHAT you know?
so i watched Surfer Dude, and its probably in my top 10 favorite movies, all joking aside i thought it was pretty good, wasn't even stoned. and i just laughed out loud during a groups presentation because of the fail blog, acting all slutty.

see more pwn and owned pictures
T.I. - What You Know
T.I. - No Matter What
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