Thursday, October 30, 2008
Re. My gay crush on John Daly
Like most guys that aren't complete homos (tennis enthusiasts) I enjoy golf. Nothing makes me happier than turning on the U.S. Open every year and hearing Jim Nantz all like "oh ho ho, John Daly has really done it this time." Daly is so unpredictable that at tournaments he has more people follow him than Tiger Woods. Thats why I was so sad to wake up this morning to see the headline: John Daly Arrested Outside Hooters
Unfortunately Daly is a disasterous/highly-functioning alcoholic and is the only professional golfer I've ever seen have the DT's on live TV. I need him to stay alive to keep golf interesting. Would Tiger Woods have the balls to do a shirtless interview like this one?
I think not...oh yeah and Hooters is actually one of his sponsors.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
one more

this is off an old kitsune compilation, i picked them up a while ago as they came out , but never got around to listening to number 2, here is by far the best track on it, its SOOO good. i am having trouble not listening to it
Christopher & Raphael Just - Popper (Shinichi Osawa Distortion Disco Edit)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Brrrrr-da Brrrrrr-da Brrrr-da BRRR
Some music. I haven't cared about Kano in a while, but I do not hate his new single. Couldn't be more unoriginal with the name though.
Harlem has a interesting sound, kind of remind me of the Black Lips.
Harlem-South of France
And this one is nice and light.
Hockey Night-Dark Trance
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours

as Halloween approaches there is always the draw towards the off side, costumes.
and offside videos to watch when you are getting your costume on
also one more video that is just straight gold, if anyone can figure out html and actually embed this thing, that would be cool , but till then CLICK HERE
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Holy Fuck!

Not much to write about but found some decent tunes. The remix of justice is just epic.
Justice - We are your Friends (Disco Villains Remix)
Some Toronto love on the thunderheist remix.
Thunderheist - Jerk It (JFK and Nasty Nav remix)
Some band im just getting into, really like them.
Empire of the Sun - We are the People (Ted and Francis remix)
Empire of the Sun - Walking on a dream
And some bangers and mash...
The Count & Sinden - Hardcore Girls [featuring Rye Rye] (Don Rimini Nasty Boy Mix)
Royksopp - What Else Is There (Thin White Duke Mix)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
a coupla cool ones
Sweet action! Here's a kinda cool drum solo thing fom a dude that used to be in an intense ultra heavy technical metal band called Necrophagist that plays music that's probably too hardcore for you. But...I never like to leave anyone hanging so here is a dope video of some more palettable metal for the masses. This dude is a fucking genius!
Now thats what I'm talkin' 'bout!
Dieu et mon droit! And its almost Halloween

Friday, October 17, 2008
Weekend videos: buckle the fuck up
Mr. Show
Kids in the Hall
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pony Falls Into Pool After Getting Drunk
last time i made a brash comment on who was going to be huge it was "the rumble strips" i thought they were going to be huge, i was telling everyone, and just like that, they dont do anything, they play the same stuff, take forever with an album, same goes for "the virgins" alot of dicking around no action (although they have started to get there act together), then it was "holy ghost!" nothing, there myspace looks like i made it. here we come today, "the temper trap" i think they have the stuff to make mordorate success but we will see, they could just do the same thing, and not even blow up on hype machine popular tab, the top 40 of the indie world.
The Rumble Strips - Motorcycle (live)
The Rumble Strips - No Soul (live)
the Virgins - Rich Girls
The Virgins - Love is Colder Than Death (my favorite song by them)
Cut Copy - Hearts On Fire (Holy Ghost Remix)
The Temper Trap - Peter Parker's Alter Ego
The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition (Curtis Vodka Remix)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The government ruined my day. I was heading to vote and I looked at my card and sure enough, just like my driver's license it states my middle name as 'Geroge.' Now, I've been over the fact that Geroge is not a name with those fucking clowns down at the licencing bureau but they can't be bothered to correct this fundamental error. Am I crazy that this bothers me or is it just plain disrespectful that my federal government doesn't even know my real name? To cheer myself up I gave in to my peculiar addiction to watching funniest home video-like bloopers on the internet. Let me share this nugget of gold with you.
Clumsy Best Man Ruins Wedding - Watch more free videos
oh shit I almost forgot, I was going through some Vice student guide dos and don'ts for no particular reason and I almost shit myself when I read this quote: "Aside from “sneaker culture” one of the most homo and expensive trends you can align yourself with while at uni is the trendy fixed-gear bike cult." Sorry crowbar, you gotta admit thats kind of funny.

Here is a funny blog of photos of brokers with there head in there hands, feeling there money slip through through there hands like dry sand. i recently read an article about people who have taken to murdering there family and killing themselves rather than, be broke, and the governments urge for people to seek counseling rather than just burn there house down with everyone inside of it instead of just leaving gracefully after being evicted.
on a lighter note, this is arguably the best commercial i have ever seen.
and who thinks up all this technology stuff
and because this is a music blog
Monday, October 13, 2008
Kill or Bee Killed

A friend of mine really hates bees. He wants to get a tattoo of a bee with a check mark every time he kills a bee. I think thats pretty cool.
On an unrelated note, I remember having a conversation last night with some good people about how great John Malkovich is, so I have decided to suggest that anyone who enjoys Malkovich should watch this play called True West by Sam Shepard. It stars Gary Sinise and John Malkovich as two brothers who are house sitting for their mom and collaborate on a screenplay. Everything turns into a drunken nightmare and its best if you watch the whole play (on youtube in its entirety) but if you don't care for plays maybe just watch this part. I had to write an exam on this thing in university.
i think i am coming down with something

here is a monster post of the most decent of tunes, but first before you make lame Halloween plans with your loser roommates, just come down to rivoli
Late of the Pier - Space The Woods (The C90s Remix)
Proxy - Raven (Original Mix 320kbps)
Britney Spears - Womanizer (shes back bitches!)
Mansion - Body
Walter Murphy & The Big Apple Band - A Fifth of Beethoven (Soulwax Remix) (LOVE THIS ONE)
MR OIZO - Hun (His new album is dropping or dropped anyway this song sums it up)
Late Of The Pier - Focker (Boyz Noise Remix)
Sebastien Tellier - Roche (Kavinsky Remix)
Lo-Fi-Fnk - Want U
Boys Noize - Volta 82
People say thet I eat too many shoc-o-lat bars or thet I don wash my face

Hey, remember that Clearsil commercial from the 90's with that french Canadian kid with acne? I do. Ed brought it up when we were watching Polack's hockey game, and in the middle of my Installation Art seminar last week I thought about it and burst out laughing in the middle of a relatively quiet academic atmosphere. It was worth the shocked and angry glares.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
word up
wassup! wasup wasup.
oldstyle virginity officialy a twelve year old girl from taiwan.
Here is an interesting bridge between ultra hardcore metal and some cool electro ish stuff.
the original is totally brutal noise metal. the remix is totally different. I think the only similarity is a sample of the girls scream. both are cool. trust.
iwrestledabearonce - firelord ulrich [remix by dada yakuza]
...and the original: iwrestledabearonce - ulrich firelord- breaker of mountains
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I like when a woman has ambition. It's like seeing a dog wearing clothes

If this happens to come out as a book on tape narrated by Baldwin himself as Jack Donaghy, then I'm really going to want it for Christmas.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Canada is gay, mind-boggling. And some Tuesday trash

Over the last couple days you may have heard about acts of vandalism against people with Liberal signs on their lawns mostly in Toronto. They're getting "L's" spray painted on their homes as well as insanely clever slogans such as "Ignatieff lies" and "Bob Rae is arrogant." I chuckled when I first heard about this bullshit, but when I heard that people were also getting their brake lines cut on their cars and recieving threatening phone calls, I had to think, who are these fucking guys? I mean, politics in Canada is so boring that there is virtually NO difference between the Liberals and Conservatives. Abortion doesn't even come up ever for christ's sake. My dad votes Liberal and has a stupid sign outside so I can't wait to get a phone call being like "Don't vote Liberal or I'll fucking kill you!" So I can shout, "Fuck you I'm a libertarian you asshole." And then return to the table for dinner.
Check out this video, this guy reacts like so many guys would like to.
...also what about this headline "Watermelon-eating dog prompts stabbing."
Monday, October 6, 2008
I hope everyone had a good weekend

the bloody beetroots where sick, they tore the roof of the place and the opening group "mansion" were pretty good too. it was also nuit blanche, but i have a feeling someone more qualified to blog on it will
here is the music you came for
Secret Handshake- Summer Of 98 (Bloody Beetroots Remix)
Little Boots - Meddle (Designer Drugs 80s Coke Jam Remix)
MGMT - Of Moons, Birds & Monsters (Holy Ghost! Remix)
The Shortwave Set - Now Til '69 (Mirwais Club Remix)
Estelle - Wait A Minute (Just A Touch) (Count Of Monte Cristal & Sinden Remix)(this song is a total banger)
Low Motion Disco - Things Are Gonna Get Easier (Sebastien Tellier Vocal Remix)