Monday, December 29, 2008
Jesus fuck. I hoped this day wouldn't come.
Umm yeah, sweetheart, can you call back later? I'm a little too busy choking on my own bile to listen to your bullshit.
I love these stories

People who don't know me are always surprised when I tell them that I wasn't on any teams in high school. If I had been, the trainer wouldn't have looked like this, or offered to blow me after the big game. However, this very same porno-inspiring scenario has played out in Orange County where the 23-year old athletic trainer pictured above is facing big trouble for oral copulation with a minor. BA-hahahah. I think everyone can agree that the judge in this case should consider the fact that the 14-17 year old "victim" was not overly devestated or scarred by the incident. The real victims here are the millions of other teenagers who don't get blown at school by 23 year old skanks.
In the spirit of oral copulation here's a track all about it along with a Ghostface Killah track.
Three 6 Mafia-I'd Rather
Ghostface Killah-We Celebrate
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A time for family, a time for mixing drinks

Isn't Christmas awesome? Two or three days around the house spending "quality" time with the family. Shitty tv, no place to go, and midnight church on Christmas eve if you're especially lucky. I've got some good drinks to make it extra enjoyable.
Heart smart egg nog delight:
-Pour Mount Gay dark rum into mid-sized glass until the bottle has made the "glup" sound at least six times. Because egg nog is icky and high in fat, add only a splash to mask the colour of the large glass of rum. Stir vigorously, sprinkle on some nutmeg and drink immediately.
Breakfast surprise:
-A lot of people drink mimosas and champagne on Christmas morning. This is wrong and not a good foundation for the rest of the day. Tomato juice is highly a nutritious and traditional Christmas drink that has lost popularity in the last 30 years. A wonderful spin on this classic is the bloody beer. Half a pint of beer with tomato juice. Delicious. Feel free to add a raw egg if you're hungover.
If you've been on a legit music blog in the past 2 days you probably have this but if not, new Black Lips.
The Black Lips-Starting Over
merry polish christmas

just checking in quickly to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays. will post soon its that busy time of the year. ps wish i had pics like the family above so jealous
Ted & Francis - I Wish I Was A Polar Bear (Arctic Urgency Edit)
santa and the likes

merry christmas everybody
here is the only christmas track you should ever listen to, its the only one that isnt super lame or have a 2 minute bell solo. check it
The Kinks - father christmas
Monday, December 22, 2008
Esh, look at these refugees, how about a smile?

I had some errands to do down at the Manulife building at Bloor and Bay today, and while looking for a spot underground some yahoo in a blue Hyundai comes barreling through a left hand corner almost crashing into me. We both had to jam on are brakes and luckily I had my window down to start mouthing off to him. He throws the car into park and starts to open his door give me some kind of beat down I assume. I could see his girlfriend or wife trying to calm him down, and me being a in bad mood due to traffic and Christmas I start really giving it to him. He proceeds to get out and start coming at me so I did what anyone would do in my position. I peeled out and peaced out to a different parking lot. Yelling "Fucking Ponce" as I bailed big time.
I really enjoy Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Here are a couple tracks of his that have been edited, first up is one you may recognize from a new Adidas commercial, i found it off the CBS top 100 where I also got Disco Space Ship so you know the rest of that thing is filled with pure gold, the other is just a random that is a really slow burner filled with great hooks and vocals because that guy has some pipes on him.
Frankie Valli - Beggin' (Pilooski Edit)
Frankie Valli - The Night (Floorman Edit)
Here are some of the random tunes that I picked up, they are all tight, even got a couple new diplo remixes up in there
Monkey: Journey To The West - Monkey Bee (Diplo Remix)
Money Addict - Life, Money & Drugs (Diplo Remix)
SSION - Fear Us (Nick Zinner Remix) ( i find this band really interesting and worth exploring if you have a bit of time on your hands, lots of video's and songs on there MYSPACE)
Congorock - Hybro (banger status)
PVC Street Gang - Cutlass (DIY fuzz punk)
SebastiAn - Momy (Erol Alkan’s Simple, Yet Effective Edit) ( it really takes the edge off that sometimes can stop you from repeat listening or even making it through the first time)
and if you havent downloaded this yet,
The Bloody Beetroots - Cornelius (Radio Oi!)
beat downs,
Frankie Valli,
Fuzz Punk,
The Bloody Beetroots
Monday horror show: Christmas edition

You know what Ontario? No more 24 for 24. Ever. The new minimum price will be $25.50 plus deposit. Merry Christmas! You may wonder why I am shaking this jumbo can of Steeler furiously. You may wonder why I'm shoving it up your ass. You should start begging me to not pull off the tab because you're my bitch Ontario. Brewers' Retail can do whatever the fuck it wants to, remember that.
I don't know who to blame for this outrage so I'm going to blame the premier for letting this happen just because I don't like his face. It's not that I really care about spending the extra couple bucks, it's the idea that elected officials support a system that discourages a fair and free booze market and spins it as social responsibility.
Remember six months ago when I wrote about the Duggar family? Of course you don't. Well they're an insanely creepy family that just welcomed their 18th devil-spawn to this great green earth. Check out their new, improved religous website. Future Mrs. c. vagrant you might want to email Mrs. Duggar for some pointers. Mr. Duggar's name is Jim Bob.
Finally, I don't like cats but i still thought it was awful that over 100 burned to death in a shelter fire in Oshawa. However, the headline of the article explaining it is kind of priceless.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Concieved with a weak sperm
I don't like to throw around "should have been an abortion" very much but this is just asking for it.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Drums of Death is a Scottish electronic freakfest (real name Colin Bailey) based in London. He has put out some pretty sweet remixes for several groups including Drop The Lime and Late Of The Pier and is currently touring around Europe sweating ghoulish makeup all over dj sets and club stages. The debut album is said to be released in 2009, and if he does a Canadian tour I'll be all up on that shit like a vampire in a blood bank. Here is a video of some BBC recordings he did, too.
Daddy ruined Christmas...again
This is 100% great
Pretty sure that the second one is trick camera work but still amusing I thought.
Here's a Christmas mix I took off Fully Fitted blog today. I must warn you that it actually is made up of Christmas-themed songs and its 30 min long so if that doesn't sound good to you don't bother. Otherwise its good holiday party music.
Ronnie Darko-BBC Holiday Mix
Pretty sure that the second one is trick camera work but still amusing I thought.
Here's a Christmas mix I took off Fully Fitted blog today. I must warn you that it actually is made up of Christmas-themed songs and its 30 min long so if that doesn't sound good to you don't bother. Otherwise its good holiday party music.
Ronnie Darko-BBC Holiday Mix
Monday, December 15, 2008
I need to leave my house more often
It's embarrassing but I just saw the new Batman movie last night. Yeah I know that is fucked and that kids in North Korea have probably seen it before me but I don't get out much to do sober-people things. A couple of things about that movie other than how much it ruled. First of all, how does Christian Bale talk that way for two and a half hours? The two-face character was a total dickface, running around blaming everyone but himself for the fact that his girlfriend got blown up. But also, the musical score was pretty cool, so I downloaded some of the music that plays when the joker is pulling his hilarious pranks (Btw, that was so awesome how he put a bomb inside a guy).
Hans Zimmer-Why so Serious?
This video is a drug awareness, anti-cocaine commercial that totally misses the point because its actually too amusing to allow the viewer to think about the message. Pablo the drug mule dog.
Hans Zimmer-Why so Serious?
This video is a drug awareness, anti-cocaine commercial that totally misses the point because its actually too amusing to allow the viewer to think about the message. Pablo the drug mule dog.
Area man attempts to force himself on innocent McNuggets
This is one of the most ridiculous things I have seen in a while, once again, marketing and advertising people, kill yourselves please.
...wait don't bother you made up for it with this one.
...wait don't bother you made up for it with this one.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
fake blood! vals bloed! sang faux! gefälschtes blut! 擬似血! sangue falsificado! поддельная кровь! anima falsa!

Fake Blood looks good in any language. It will also look good on my shirt tonight at the concert where I plan to get slit eyed and shirty and possibly get drunk and dance. Here is a saturday night pump up track list to get your blood flow on the go. I'm really down with Computer Club cos the sound is hard as fuck. Dragged the Boy 8-Bit track off of You Can Call Me Pelski and ran into the Andy George tune which, I would agree is pretty Flawsome (Flippin' + Awesome, not ridden with flaws)
Boy 8-Bit,
Computer Club,
Fake Blood,
Friday, December 12, 2008
Don't tell me these things. Not now man.

I am just about head off and on a week long bender, pour a few hundred pints through my liver. Polish guy and I picked up bota bags from VV yesterday, I hope they will be quintessential to the festivities if they are not harboring some kind of bacteria.
WAVVES is a band I had not listened to for some odd reason, but now that I have I feel sadness at my stupidity, they are huge distorted mess that I love. BTW how many remixes are there of Cut Copy songs, I am serious here, I must have about 50 on my computer all i would compare to some dog shit.
Wavves - So Bored
Wavves - Beach Demon
there is big news for Oldstyle-Pilsner but I will let the rightfull parties gloat because they deserve it
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Fake Blood

Fake Blood will be in Toronto on Saturday the 13th at Wrongbar. Sad to say I will be missing the show, but i highly recommend everyone goes. Pepper, smash some polish drinks down for me.
Just got into Fake Blood as I had only heard remixes by him, but he has dope tunes out as well. Originals posted now, remixes later.
Fake Blood - Blood Splashing
Fake Blood - Mars
Egadz - Changing Faces
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out.... Just my enemies

I just swallowed about a bakers dozen worth of vitamins it took me two handfuls. I have a theory that through the correct measurements of b complex, milk thistle, magnesium, and and salmon oil that I can avoid all sorts of hangovers. Some other positive effects is that you can take a piss with the lights off because its glow in the dark and your bowel feels like it might just explode ever now and then, but once that is over its clear sailing. This first song actually is on repeat right now, its a really good remix one that makes me want to find to original song. The second you might have heard but it sooo good. The last one is an all time favorite if you plan on cranking a tonne of beers and drinks and just getting slit eyed and shirty then crank this mother fucker up!
Little Boots - Stuck on Repeat (Alexander Robotnick Remix) (320)
of Montreal - Gallery Piece (Mintel Rose Remix)
M.O.P. - Anti up
gangster rap,
of montreal
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Sound of VTEC

Oh Hey!
It's me, I bet your wondering, hey me, who is me? Well thats a simple question with a simple answer, it's me.
I guess I should start off with explaining my name, The Sound of VTEC.
What good is a blog poster without an introduction? No good, thats how much good.
Well it starts with a sound, you know something you hear that loud, and you go hey, what’s that sound? Then next comes VTEC, a symphony of precisely tuned valves opening and closing with the combustion and orchestra of 1000 Mozart’s and one point five Sebastian Bach’s.
What does that mathmatical equasion equal? Well, it equals music to ears, multiple ears, and the ears of people who read this entire summary of who I am, followed by clicking the tracks below and having real, music to your ears.
Oh ya, and my harddrive crashed and my speakers blew up, so I am lacking in life right now, terrible.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Los Electricos have helped me discover the word INTERGALACTICALITY, which I think is pretty cool

I don't believe I've ever seen balls of this magnitude

Yes, balls, or is it extreme stupidity when you get away with slashing the throats of your ex-wife and her lover almost to the point of decapitation - and then decide to try your hand at a little armed robbery over a decade later? Rip n' run eh OJ.
I've harped on about the stupidity of pro sports players before and OJ most certainly takes the cake. On a different level, if you can read this LIST of the wackiest bizarro baseball injuries without laughing then you should try not eating anymore because you're probably not a human. Two of the best:
"Speedster Rickey Henderson allegedly missed several games in August due to frostbite."
"Reliever Steve Sparks dislocated his shoulder while trying to tear a phone book in half."
Love City & Tough Shits: My Love Affair With Riots and Philly Garage Rock
Tough Shits

Athens Street Carnage

There's riots about, boys. And let me tell you something! Nothing turns Peppermint Park on more than a big, bloody riot. Athens has been ablaze since police shot and killed a 15 year old boy, prompting hundreds of people to lash back at the arguably corrupt police. My unhealthy obsession with riot photography/photojournalism luckily goes with garage-punk like chocolate milk and dill pickle chips (which, by the way, I happen to LOVE).
So here are some stupid amazing bands straight outta the city of brotherly love. Love City is a Philly punk-rock band with undeniable garageness that blows my mind. At times they teeter ever so closely on 70's surfer rock...I'm on my knees here. Oh, and the organ usage hits the spot and makes me drop it like its hot.Love City- The Other Side
Love City- Regretting
Love City- Crumbling
Tough Shits are a perfect band to sing along to pretty much anywhere. Their lyrics are blunt and unforgiving and they make me laugh in a good way. Also from Philly, these cool cats along with Love City and a slew of other fantastical garagers are making Philadelphia into the go to place for a cool new breed of punk rock.
Tough Shits- Flash Art
Tough Shits- Flash Art
Saturday, December 6, 2008
We've just run out of wine; what are we gonna do about it?

by far one of the creeper drawings
here are some tracks ya ingrates.
these two first ones are courtesy of spike jonzes half brother 'squeak e clean' and some dude, under 'N.A.S.A.' they are piping out some hot tracks.
N.A.S.A. - Mike's Revenge!
N.A.S.A. ft. Method Man, E40, DJ Swamp - N.A.S.A. Music (LA Riots Remix)
N.A.S.A. - Spacious Thoughts (feat. Tom Waits & Kool Keith)
this mother fucker is old, quite old but the only track i have ever seen come off of 'its all gone pete tong' and its very good.
Filterheadz - Yimanya
bonus track
LAZRtag - Work Is Play (Barletta Boom Blast Fix)
and btw Dirty Disco Youth is total shit no matter what hype machine says
Friday, December 5, 2008
Grillllzzzzz n shit

College feat Anoraak - Fantasy Park (Moulinex Remix)
"My wife would like that" BAA-hahahaha
According to this article German soldiers are allowed to drink the equivalent amount of alcohol (2 beers) per day as Canadian troops are permitted in one month. Where is the motherfucking love Canada? Those guys deserve a beer once in a while.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I traded my health and my good name for this grilled cheese sandwhich

A fun game to play when you're procrastinating....
Try and find pictures of Housemeister without a smoke hanging out of his mouth.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I find your lack of faith disturbing

i really like this kind of upbeat indie rock shit. If i was going to be in a band, it would be one like this uptempo instrumental with some lo-fi vocals that are all about heartbreak and i would wear fashion glasses and everyone at the shows could hold there girlfriends every so gently and bob there heads to the music. They would also be wearing fashion glasses then i would starting using epinephrine recreationaly and it would take savage turn and everything would get ugly.
i like listening to this kind of music but there live shows are just brutal, half the time there is someone using an overhead projector to illustrate the songs, and you have to whisper in the venue. and i just want to punch everyone in there. BTW this band is really good
My Teenage Stride - Theme_From_Teenage_Suicide
My Teenage Stride - Ears Like Golden Bats
Living in Toronto sometimes sucks

I can't seem to watch a televised hockey game right now without having to tolerate some broadcaster screaming about how the Leafs' latest acquisition of a pudgy new general manager is going to transform the team. Hockey players play the game and talent is required for a team's success. People like the man pictured above change things. Unless Brian Burke is Jesus Christ reincarnate and can bestow upon the Leafs the ability to score goals with their minds the Leafs will continue to be mediocre. So please Toronto, shut the fuck up. Brian Burke's cock is starting to hurt a little. It's a bit more of a pressing issue that parliament seems to be making up the rules as they go along.
I know I need to stop posting videos of people falling and shit, but this one isn't violent or gross, just perfect.
This is Pase Rock's new single and its really good so check it out.
Pase Rock-Get Money Kids
Here Kitty Kitty

This kitty makes about as much sense as someone shining you in the face with a laser pen at a bar...
HOLY FUCK WARNING, The Prodigy are coming out with a new album on March 2nd 2009. Here is the first single from their new album.
The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die
Other Tunes
Justice Ft Mehdi Pinson - DVNO (Les Petits Pilous Remix)
MSTRKRFT - Bounce (The Bloody Beetroots Remix)
And probably my favourite video right now.
Here is a tune for anyone that wants it.
Dirt Nasty - 1980
Monday, December 1, 2008
I was deleted in a coup d'état , by polish mike

blog it blog it
and since polaroids are dead, and i still like them, i came across this program only for mac's but pc people will get it soon enough, you can convert your jpeg's or what ever format you are rocking into poloroids. click here , the pros are that you don't have to scan your pictures and buy the film the cons are its fake.
this is one of the cooler things i have seen,
i have about 30 songs i found that are really good, but i am not uploading them till i really need to procrastinate. here are a couple while i think of them, its mostly Brodinski, i am really feeling that minimalist shit, the bangers will be up soon
Klaxons - Its Not Over Yet (Brodinski Remix)
Brodinski - Oblivion
Brodinski - Bad Runner (Crookers Remix)
DJ MEHDI - B2 Pocket Piano Brodinski remix
The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (Soulwax Remix)
the crowbarless era begins

My dear friend crowbar has left us. We wish him the best of luck on his en devours. If he ever wishes to come back may he be welcome with open arms. And my I express my deepest apology's. CROWBAR COME BACK!!!!
Alright in all seriousness stop being a bitch
Fun facts: polish is back, music world has been slow, school is over. Some tunes off Kitsune 6, i know they are old deal with it i was busy. More to come tomorrow
Crookers - Gypsy P
Lo-Fi-Fnk - Want U
Pnau - With You Forever
The Shoes - Let's go
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Kooky Old Dudes, Unite!

Kooky dads are the greatest. My dad spends his entire day hanging out in his Roadtrek which is usually parked in the driveway at his home in Huntsville ON (its some sort of traveling, hightech camper slash apt) that is, if they are not en route somewhere. For some unexplained reason he would rather hang out in there then in his home. I don't ask for two reasons, for one, I'm scared to understand how his brain works, and two, kooky old dudes are way cooler than boring old dudes, so I just let him be. Its what a friend of mine and I used to describe as CDS (Crazy Dad Syndrome), and it can apparently happen to anyone. A few Easters ago she had received a call from a friend who lived near her parent's home in suburban Ottawa; citing that there was some sort of frightening Easter mascot that was lighting up their lawn and scaring the neighborhood children. So she calls up dear old dad and inquires; to which he replied: "Oh, you mean Easter Man?" He had constructed bunny ears and applied them to the head of a light-up snowman Christmas decoration. The main problem was that it still looked quite a bit like a snowman, and now this "rabbit thing" had a carrot for a nose. What a terrible trick to play on this poor bunny, probably who, if he had been real would have to constantly struggle with the desire to rip his nose off and eat it. Anyway, I bet Sebastien Tellier would make the kookiest of dads, and as you may know quite well, I go totally Moo Moo for Moulinex. Enjoy!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Horny slut hotline, Peppermint speaking...
Take a look at this human slinky guy. I don't know if its intentional or not but it looks like a guy nailing a girl at some points.
Human Slinky Halftime Basketball Creighton University Omaha NE - Watch more Sports Videos
this is what really turns me on though
Since I can't seem to take Justice's cock out of my mouth yet, here is a few live variations/remixes of some of their shit.
Justice-Phantom Part 1.5
Justice-Two Minutes to Midnight
Human Slinky Halftime Basketball Creighton University Omaha NE - Watch more Sports Videos
this is what really turns me on though
Since I can't seem to take Justice's cock out of my mouth yet, here is a few live variations/remixes of some of their shit.
Justice-Phantom Part 1.5
Justice-Two Minutes to Midnight
Thursday, November 27, 2008
My girl's got my money like I'm Old Dirty Bastard

Go watch Wild Style (Circa 1982). Do it now. Hip-hop hippity if you haven't already hombres.
My apartment is freezing. I haven't slept in a long time, and when I do, I have deranged, masochistic dreams. Oh, and the dog upstairs has been barking every 3 seconds for the past 2 and a half hours. One would likely conclude these circumstances might produce a bitter, paranoid introvert, but I'm surprisingly not phased and by day somehow manage to pull off my usual sarcastic smugness. I'm pretty pumped to hit that old familiar dance floor tonight, dance party, as always, compliments of the sexiest GOSH DAMN dj's this side of the mesosphere. I'm hoping they'll rebang-out MARS for me even though I have already requested it on a previous night, but in light of the upcoming FAKE BLOOD concert in Toronto (if you're not there I hope you get kicked in the face with a homeless man's foot), I figure its called for. On the topic of dance parties, I will highly recommend NOT trying to have a dance party on booze lathered tarped floors. We went to a U of T frat party on the weekend (don't ask), and not only did I fall down the stairs twice, but Ju fucking brukkk her jaw. Crazy shit is, girl gets up and parties harder than ever, blood and all, now thats some fucking balls, boys. Everyone give the girl a high five when you see her, and I'm dedicating the Designer Drugs song to her. I've been listening to a lot of music lately, dropped by Rotate This to pick up some tickets and of course ended up buying the new Gang Gang Dance album, which is retarded good, but everyone says that so I'm going to fuck off on that one. What is the absolute cheapest way to get drunk? No, seriously, someone tell me. Something thats not new but cool and somehow managed to slip through my zombie like album sifting is Human Highway (dude from Unicorns and Jim Guthrie). Holy Hate Mail! Its the best shit to fall asleep to, or to lie in bed and wish you sleeping to. Im going to start making all of my cloths, its a very anti-American Apparel statement; as lately I've been hearing more and more people go on near psychotic, murderous AA tangents. I've realized that every blog I force myself to read instead of doing work is flaunting that shit like an impoverished Afghani Farmer with 5 super hot, definitely sell worthy teenaged daughters. Oh shit, guys, now there's an angry, Gestapo looking man knocking on my door, and he's wearing 65 different colors of the softest, over priced cotton I have EVER SEEN. Help!
Signing out:
Pepper -You Just Went Too Far- Park
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Play that Diane Sawyer song, just fuckin' play something that's why your here
Trailer Park Boys is done next month and then there is going to be another movie apparently, and then thats all. It's sad but at least they aren't dragging it on. In tribute I thought I would post this clip of "Rickyisms" from some dvd extra or something cause its good. In this video they left out one of my favorites when Ricky says: "Get me two bags of chips Dressed All Over and Zesty Mordant."
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Local talent

DJ Barletta, one half of Mansion which is also sick, has been dropping a lot of dope remixes, he's from Toronto or just lives there now and is always playing shows. there is one coming up on the 5th of December that TMDP is playing, also of Toronto. Here are my favorites.
Das Racist - Pizza Hut Taco Bell (Guy Michael-Barletta Remix)
Mansion - Body
but the internet is full of them i am sure your are an enterprising little internet surfer and know how to use hype machine
Monday, November 24, 2008
Turn up the crazy

Dog-sitting a blind, deaf and senile 15-year old golden retriever is making me feel like jabbing a large needle of heroin into my arm. She decided last night that it would be cool to bark non-stop for about, I dunno, 6 hours for reasons I can't begin to understand. As much as I love the dog I'm really starting to think the poor animal hates my fucking guts, which makes me sad. On the other hand, it is a known thing that she hates my brother so I had to laugh when he stepped in a tremendous pile of her shit this morning, in bare feet. Anyway, just before I was about to swallow some of the valium that is prescribed to her these two wonderful videos of stupid people getting hurt came along and gave me a big warm hug.
The other video doesn't want to embed properly, but I urge you to laugh at it anyway, located HERE
Yes and also worth checking out are these PHOTOS of Mike Tyson's abandoned mansion.
And get your hands on some cheap wine, And get out get out like a trout

i had a bit of a long weekend and didn't get one thing done. watched two movies on TCM (channel 49) and there wasn't one commercial. it kind of made my day. here are some tunes to listen to.
first up is glass candy which is one of my favorite bands, there songs are always fresh
Glass Candy - Feeling Without Touching
DJ Mehdi brings it back with a remix of his own song very chilled out
DJ Mehdi - breakaway (dj mehdi remix)
We have a band are tight, and this remix is so good.
We Have Band - Oh! (Andrew 'Friendly Fires' Remix)
Finally there is Mustard Pimp which i think is the title of a trailer park boys episode, there is no connection i think between the two.
Mustard Pimp - Zombie Revenge
Crookers - Il Brutto (Mustard Pimp El Burrito Remix)
pepper park sent this one my way a long way back it just showed up next to one of my new downloads
Project Pat - Googly Moogly (That Thang Is Juicy)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Darth Vader's ride

Check out this list of the scariest cars ever
I think that the only way I could be more insufferable than I am currently is if I become a born again Christian. All I have to do is quit drinking. I'm already ignorant, opinionated and stubborn. If i can just embrace Christianity in its truest form I think that I can give Stephen Baldwin a run for his money.
I don't know if any of my basketball-nerd friends still read this but here is one for them, Cool Kids straight from the new Nba 2k09 game.
Cool Kids-Pennies
New Order-Age of Consent
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
scooters, vacation, fall

what is up with Justice that sampler isn't even plugged into anything let alone powered, what the fuck are they doing, just playing a CD and pretending to twist nobs and press buttons. feels a little Milli Vanilli to me.
Here is some tunes that i am feeling
its been a little while since i have heard a Holy Ghost track, and like always its doesn't disappoint
In Flagranti - Business Acumen (Holy Ghost! Cover version)
Cut Copy - Far Away (Hercules & Love Affair Remix)
Eastwest - Easy Come Easy Go
You have got to be kidding me
In yet another example of the passive aggressive fascism that seems to go on unnoticed here in Canada, Queens university has hired conversation cops to monitor and control offensive conversations on campus. Basically, students now have to watch when they use words like "homo" or "retarded" or "fag" and other stuff that is offensive to women, or racially sensitive. Essentially the administration is saying that they can't trust their own students who are being educated at what is supposedly one of the country's top schools to check themselves in terms of offensive language. Man, I don't know how these kids can go one day without calling their friends gay fucking retards or queer-ass bitches. I don't know how they can accurately describe their stupid school. Ahh fuck it, here's some video entertainment.
oh man...
See more Jack McBrayer videos at Funny or Die
oh man...
Monday, November 17, 2008
info hour: some docs.
i got the soulwax dvd 'part of the weekend never dies' and here it is. if you want the original file in all its quality find me a 1gb upload site that is free.
and if you are interested in the Beatles at all here is a documentary with them called 'let it be' circa 1970. near there last days, kind of depressing.
Black is the new Black
James Bond Jr.
Watching Quantum of Solace this weekend made me think of one of my favorite cartoons as a kid, based on the fact that it really isn't grounded in reality as much as Casino Royale was. Still, its worth going to the theatre for.
I don't get it, if James Bond Jr. is James Bond's nephew then how can he legitimately hold the title of Jr? Also, I thought Bond was an orphan, so who is this random Bond brother who spawned JBJ?
I don't get it, if James Bond Jr. is James Bond's nephew then how can he legitimately hold the title of Jr? Also, I thought Bond was an orphan, so who is this random Bond brother who spawned JBJ?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
nothin' like a fresh kill in the mornin'

I meant to do this one a while ago...but have procrastinated instead.
Alas, here it is: Gun O'
The video is pretty cool. But the actual item is awesome. I wish I could wake every mornin' to some good shootin'
Man's Best Friend
its video like this that makes me sure if you died in your house, that your dog would probably eat you after a couple of days.
Friday, November 14, 2008
The future of warfare is frightening (duh!)
The robot in the video below is called the "Big Dog" and it is designed to carry soldiers packs and stuff allowing them to kill people with greater ease. Apparently the mechanism is pretty impossible to knock over. Anyway, the big dog is awesome, but I can't be the only one who thinks that it is also the creepiest thing ever. A couple of days after a co-worker showed me this I had a horrible nightmare about it stalking me in the woods and woke up practically sweating blood.
This next video is just some fucked up nonsense 100%
This next video is just some fucked up nonsense 100%
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Untitled post

"weird science" is a new duo of dj's one being Steve aoki, there first single of original material "Haus of cards" sounds a bit like they just chopped up bloody beetroots songs and sampled them over some piano tracks. its nothing special but if you are interested.
Weird Science - Haus Of Cards
and speaking of Bloody Beetroots, here is a remix they did of Roybn's Cobrastyle. very different from there other stuff, but i like it alot.
Robyn - Cobrastyle (The Bloody Beetroots Remix)
and finally here is a crushing song. the orginal was already very hard, but Les Petits Pilous, took it up a step.
Proxy - Raven (Les Petits Pilous Remix)
also here is a video for Les Petits Pilous, new single, very weird video, song is top notch too.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Huuuumiliation Tiiiimmme
If you didn't see Kenny vs. Spenny last night you need to get on that right away. It is arguably the best episode yet, and I really didn't think they could top the who can stay tied to a goat the longest episode. If your not really a fan of the show and feel like throwing up right now, watch the humiliation for this week's "who can piss off the most people" episode. I think its the worst humiliation in a long line of humiliations for Spenny.
Also, Kenny and Spenny made a documentary back in the 90's about trying to sell a movie script. Its worth watching if you have an hour to kill and its kind of cool to see how they interact with each other when its not Kenny vs. Spenny. Spencer is still impossibly douchey though. Here's the first part, the other five parts are there on Youtube.
Also, Kenny and Spenny made a documentary back in the 90's about trying to sell a movie script. Its worth watching if you have an hour to kill and its kind of cool to see how they interact with each other when its not Kenny vs. Spenny. Spencer is still impossibly douchey though. Here's the first part, the other five parts are there on Youtube.
xxxchange halloween mix

original posted many other places, this one is for capital vagrant, i know he loves this guy, because everything he does is sick. its about 45 minutes and 40 mb, it really starts to get good around the 10 minute mark, and just keeps and getting better and beter as it goes, flutters a bit in the beginning but whatever (in its origins it was radio post, but don't worry its not radio quality).
xxxchange - EVR xxxchange halloween mix
so i was flashed on saturday

at school in the Mackinnon building if you are familiar with the Guelph campus. it was my first time and still don't know how i feel about. i wonder why he picked me i thought that sort of rude treatment was reserved to the locker rooms and public showers of pools and high school, and women. In other news AutoErotique (formally VNDLSM) of Toronto have just been signed to Dim Mak. which i think is pretty cool. i cant remember if i posted this track already but if not or you haven't heard it, hear it is. its pretty good.
Lykke Li - Little Bit (AutoErotique Bootleg Remix)
Monday, November 10, 2008
I would love to be in the most independent movie ever made
Alright, so David Cross and Bob Odenkirk did a pilot for HBO recently and here is a short clip from that in which Zach Galifianakis performs a very insufferable/hilarious song. You need to watch for a minute before the song starts but its worth it.
a second good clip from Zach Galifianakis cause i seem to put up pairs of videos now.
Here is two tracks from the guy from DFA 1979 that didn't start MSTRKRFT
Sebastien Grainger & The Mountains-American Names
Sebastien Grainger & The Mountains-I Hate my Friends
UPDATE: Would you like to read about the biggest fucking liar in the history of lying? Yes? Then click HERE
a second good clip from Zach Galifianakis cause i seem to put up pairs of videos now.
Here is two tracks from the guy from DFA 1979 that didn't start MSTRKRFT
Sebastien Grainger & The Mountains-American Names
Sebastien Grainger & The Mountains-I Hate my Friends
UPDATE: Would you like to read about the biggest fucking liar in the history of lying? Yes? Then click HERE

They have been making music for a little bit now, and its some really good music. stuff to do homework or drive at night to. nothing that will pump you up, but will enjoy none the less. i am listening to there first album on repeat right now, while trying to write a couple a papers. they also do a ton of remixing, but that's not for now. here are the highlights off there first album, there follow up album should be coming out very soon. don't think of what i posted as the only good songs on the album, get the whole thing if you like them.
Cicada - Edge
Cicada - The Things You Say
Cicada - All About You
Cicada - Cut Right Through
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Rick rolled at applebee's? you know it
Video of one of the greatest dancers of all time. And yes we got rick rolled while eating dinner at applebees. Thought that shit was over...
Here is the tune playing in the video
Mc Miker G & Dj Sven - Holiday rap
Here is the tune playing in the video
Mc Miker G & Dj Sven - Holiday rap
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